Monday, 22 February 2010

update on behalf of Elmien (set out 9 February)

Dear Friends and blog followers
I am writing this update on behalf of Elmien to her blog distribution group.
Elmien's condition has deteriorated significantly over the past few weeks. She has been in hospital for draining of excess body fluids due to the cancerous activity a couple of times, and is indeed still today in hospital since Friday last. We hope that she will be coming home tomorrow. She sends all her love and appreciation for all the thoughts, prayers, support and kind words that so many have passed on.
Her body strength has weakened substantially and she is increasingly finding it difficult to manage on her own, walk about, or be without direct support. Some hours are better than others, and we expect that the following few days will be easier with the large amount of fluid that is being drained putting less pressure on the internal organs. Internally there is massive pressure on her liver with obvious consequences for the rest of the body. In the natural the prognosis is one of a very short timescale with increasing futher weakening.
The Word and her close relationship with Father God is her strength with no let down on her resolve to be healed and restored. It is remarkable to witness that no sickness or illness can touch the Spirit Man and that it remains peaceful, strong and in touch. It is in times like this that we learn to differentiate between faith to accomplish our needs, desired and how we see solutions and faith that is simple, totally reliant on a loving superior Heavenly Father that accomplish far beyond what we can ever imagine. True faith will allow Him to be the 'I AM'.
I will endevour to keep you informed on further developments.
With love
le Roux

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