Thursday, 25 February 2010

Elmien's Life Celebration

We would love you to join us on Saturday the 6th of March at Winchester Family Church, Stanmore Lane, Winchester, Hampshire, SO22 4BT, from 11am onwards to celebrate Elmien's life.

If you can make it, please let us know by 2 March for catering. RSVP to / 07919250350.

If you can't make it we are busy putting together a live webcast of the celebration. More details on how you can view it will follow soon.

We would like to compile memories of Elmien. If you have a story / something she said / something funny / something life changing - a memory you have of Elmien - please share it with us. You can email your "I remember something about Elmien" to

LeRoux, Elbrie, Johan & Gabriel

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