Thursday, 25 February 2010
Elmien's Life Celebration

Monday, 22 February 2010
Leaving the Tent behind
During her final hours I was sharing with her with encouragement: "The Lord is waiting for you, you will soon be with him and with your Mom and Dad; be able to speak to Abraham and Moses, and sit with Paul". She whispered: "I love you", and then after a while uttered her final words: "I am coming, I am coming...."
Shortly thereafter she breathed her last earthly breath and quietly moved on to be with the Lord. God's peace is tangible in our home and we praise Him for His goodness and mercy.
Elbrie shared this scripture with her last night: Isaiah 57:1-2 "Good people pass away; the godly often die before their time. But no one seems to care or wonder why. No one seems to understand that God is protecting them from the evil to come. For those who follow godly paths with rest in peace when they die."
As a family we have experienced such support from the cloud of witnesses that surround us. We thank everyone of you for every contribution you have made to Elmien's life.
This will be the last entry on this "Miracle Journey". Thank you for walking it with us - Elmien has truly received her miracle in the Glory of our Heavenly Father and His son, Jesus Christ. I would think Elmien would close in saying..... Jesus IS enough!
Tribute from le Roux:
MONUMENTS (poem written by le Roux)
Barely 20 our passion bloom
Sparkling love to light our way
She brought resolve to set the sights
On clear objectives to reach the goal
Through nights of books and heavy toil
Prepare exams and studies deep
My heavy eyes that seek some sleep
Alert my love to prod my side
To keep active and engaged with every page.
Sweet day when reward was there
The cap of credit to say ‘Achieved’
Her monument of support rise up
For my achievement is for her to fame.
With child on arm, in hand, on breast
She ventured on a plane alone
To join me in a land, uncertain on what it holds.
God’s Spirit touched our hearts and set our aim
To reach out to the lost.
I preach at night and work the day
She practices the Word through faith
Her message cleared the way.
A church established in this wake
With souls that count 5000 in this day.
Inscripted on this monument: ‘Obey’
Through thick and thin she takes the hand
Of three young toddlers every day.
Her heart and soul, faith and daily prayer
Guide their steps and sets their way.
When darkness brings a frightful day
She seeks the Father’s mercy clear
And show her love and great resolve
To let their hearts not fall.
These monuments that stand today
Declare to all of her resolve that none shall tear her children away.
In walks of life we seek to find
A friend to ask, to tell, to share
How blessed we are when friendship is
So combined with love and unselfishness
When chips are down and pressures on
Her friendship blooms, her wisdom shines
Inspire to push on and to resolve
The toughest challenge of them all.
The friend she is, will always be
The Monument in my heart.
No other monument stands as tall
No other desire is more dear
To serve the Lord with all she knows
To bring Him Glory
And shine His light
Her eyes so soft
Her mind is clear to live the Word
And practice what she preach.
And now we know that she reflects
The love of God, declared!
How great it is to have her monuments
Deeply etched into our hearts
For us to hold and cherish
Until we meet again.
Tribute from Elmien's children:
If one word could describe Mom it would be ‘selfless’. She was someone amazing. From the day we were born we were lavished with such unconditional love and care, forming us into the people we are today.
Through times of joy and happiness she rejoiced with us making those times so much more special. Through times of sadness and pain she comforted us, always sharing God’s promises to encourage and give us hope. She gave us space to be ourselves, in our own unique way, always providing the heavenly roadmap, to guide our way.
She didn’t just share her life with us, her unconditional compassion was shown and actively given to all those around her.
Mom’s life was all about selfless giving. She gave her all for us during our forming years and even as adults she still abundantly gave of herself without ever asking for anything in return.
This is the love she gave us. A lantern of love passed from her to light the way into our lives and those who cross our path.