The photo album is at: Photos
Thursday, 4 March 2010
Webcast details for the celebration
The photo album is at: Photos
Thursday, 25 February 2010
Elmien's Life Celebration

Monday, 22 February 2010
Leaving the Tent behind
During her final hours I was sharing with her with encouragement: "The Lord is waiting for you, you will soon be with him and with your Mom and Dad; be able to speak to Abraham and Moses, and sit with Paul". She whispered: "I love you", and then after a while uttered her final words: "I am coming, I am coming...."
Shortly thereafter she breathed her last earthly breath and quietly moved on to be with the Lord. God's peace is tangible in our home and we praise Him for His goodness and mercy.
Elbrie shared this scripture with her last night: Isaiah 57:1-2 "Good people pass away; the godly often die before their time. But no one seems to care or wonder why. No one seems to understand that God is protecting them from the evil to come. For those who follow godly paths with rest in peace when they die."
As a family we have experienced such support from the cloud of witnesses that surround us. We thank everyone of you for every contribution you have made to Elmien's life.
This will be the last entry on this "Miracle Journey". Thank you for walking it with us - Elmien has truly received her miracle in the Glory of our Heavenly Father and His son, Jesus Christ. I would think Elmien would close in saying..... Jesus IS enough!
Tribute from le Roux:
MONUMENTS (poem written by le Roux)
Barely 20 our passion bloom
Sparkling love to light our way
She brought resolve to set the sights
On clear objectives to reach the goal
Through nights of books and heavy toil
Prepare exams and studies deep
My heavy eyes that seek some sleep
Alert my love to prod my side
To keep active and engaged with every page.
Sweet day when reward was there
The cap of credit to say ‘Achieved’
Her monument of support rise up
For my achievement is for her to fame.
With child on arm, in hand, on breast
She ventured on a plane alone
To join me in a land, uncertain on what it holds.
God’s Spirit touched our hearts and set our aim
To reach out to the lost.
I preach at night and work the day
She practices the Word through faith
Her message cleared the way.
A church established in this wake
With souls that count 5000 in this day.
Inscripted on this monument: ‘Obey’
Through thick and thin she takes the hand
Of three young toddlers every day.
Her heart and soul, faith and daily prayer
Guide their steps and sets their way.
When darkness brings a frightful day
She seeks the Father’s mercy clear
And show her love and great resolve
To let their hearts not fall.
These monuments that stand today
Declare to all of her resolve that none shall tear her children away.
In walks of life we seek to find
A friend to ask, to tell, to share
How blessed we are when friendship is
So combined with love and unselfishness
When chips are down and pressures on
Her friendship blooms, her wisdom shines
Inspire to push on and to resolve
The toughest challenge of them all.
The friend she is, will always be
The Monument in my heart.
No other monument stands as tall
No other desire is more dear
To serve the Lord with all she knows
To bring Him Glory
And shine His light
Her eyes so soft
Her mind is clear to live the Word
And practice what she preach.
And now we know that she reflects
The love of God, declared!
How great it is to have her monuments
Deeply etched into our hearts
For us to hold and cherish
Until we meet again.
Tribute from Elmien's children:
If one word could describe Mom it would be ‘selfless’. She was someone amazing. From the day we were born we were lavished with such unconditional love and care, forming us into the people we are today.
Through times of joy and happiness she rejoiced with us making those times so much more special. Through times of sadness and pain she comforted us, always sharing God’s promises to encourage and give us hope. She gave us space to be ourselves, in our own unique way, always providing the heavenly roadmap, to guide our way.
She didn’t just share her life with us, her unconditional compassion was shown and actively given to all those around her.
Mom’s life was all about selfless giving. She gave her all for us during our forming years and even as adults she still abundantly gave of herself without ever asking for anything in return.
This is the love she gave us. A lantern of love passed from her to light the way into our lives and those who cross our path.
update on behalf of Elmien (set out 9 February)
Monday, 25 January 2010
Standing on the Word in times of difficulty!
I have received many messages on the Face Book and by email to find out when is the next blog ready! Thank you, you do keep me encouraged and going on!
I had a few weeks of many challenges and struggles in my body. The ankles and liver is swollen and pressure is on the other organs. I have to cope with pain and discomfort by the day which I never had in the past. My weight kept creeping up and became steady until a few days ago we notice a sudden increase which indicated some moisture retention. Yesterday I had some blood tests done and the oncologist checked the swelling out. She was not to concern now and said she would do draining later but it seems as the swelling has all to do with the liver. She would like to postpone draining as long as we can because it just set off a continuous draining once you started. This morning I stood up with the sneezes and a runny nose, which I straight away refused to accept! LeRoux is very diligent in growing and giving me every morning my shot of wheatgrass.
I want to add that I am calm in the Lord. No man can do anything more for me and I know when Jesus walked the earth He said ‘only believe in God and the One God has sent from above’; this is the anointed Son of God Himself. Jesus is the bread of life, water of life, the only door to enter through to the Father and heaven. Jesus gave His life that I (we) may have life in abundance. Jesus set us free from sin and sickness which is written in His Word and this is what I believe. Jesus is the full package, He is all in all!
I am one with Jesus’ flesh because I am part of the body of Christ. God is not a man that He should lie. What did Jesus say about the devil see John 8:44 (The Devil) he was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a falsehood, he speaks what is natural to him, for he is a liar [himself] and the father of lies and of all that is false. A liar as Jesus called the devil, so I will resist the devil.
I am God’s daughter and Satan is trespassing in my body because I fully belong to Jesus! Another idea I want to lay in your midst, I never call this cancer or sickness ‘my cancer’ it is not mine and I refuse to make it personal to me. It will stay that dark cells not part of God’s creation. These dark cells are commanded to die in Jesus’ Name and be cast out.
We are destined and appointed to live for His glory and therefore He has equipped us with all power through the Holy Spirit our guarantee for everything we need. So be it healing, the power of healing is already in us, it is operating in us through the Holy Spirit. We are empowered from on High, we do not have to wait for anything more. Jesus equipped us with all we need to live for His praise and glory! He is the perfect sacrifice we are free!
Last weekend I had my hair cut at my old salon I am familiar with and my friend who always cut my hair did it again after a year. She has done such a good job and was so loving and kind. It was a great blessing to see her again and been hugged with such joy. I looked so gorgeous that my hubby decided we are going to the movies. Yes I packed the wig away and this is my own hair!
The past few weeks some of our church friends came around. Our pastor arranged to bring a few people with him for a time of praise and worship at our home, which was really a blessing.
Studying Romans and Hebrews I am excited to share with you God’s goodness. It is very clear that we as humans could do nothing by works or by keeping the old Law to deliver ourselves from the fear of death and sin. God had a redemption plan and this verse says it clearly.
Romans 8:3 For God have done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do. By sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh.
It is very clear that the Law was given to the Israelites to highlight what sin is and that we were all guilty of sin, but then the Word of God brings the solution so excitingly! Jesus became our ransom, the only one who could change things around, by becoming Man in the flesh like us. He was also tempted on earth but without sin.
Jesus has compassion with us because He walked the earth like us. He redeemed us of the law and gave us a New Covenant. Rom 10:4 Christ is the end of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes.
We should not mix the Law and the life in the Holy Spirit. When we mix the two we get confused and can never live in the fullness Jesus Christ has brought to us. Through the New Covenant He fulfils the way of the Cross, died and was raised to life by the power of the Holy Spirit. All for us so we don’t need to do anything more to please Him before He sees or hears us. He paid for it all even in the future. He has given us the whole package which are ‘forgiveness of sin, heals all our diseases, He blesses us and provide in all our needs, renew our strength, authority and power to do His acts of glory, signs and miracles following His Word, entering into the presence of our Father, death has been overcome forever and more’. Think about what have been accomplished on the Cross, Jesus our full Salvation, and if you are not sure about your stand in Christ, call or see someone you know that will be able to help you.
I sincerely pray that you will grasp this ‘whole package’ as Jesus said on the cross ‘It is finished’ John 19:30. Speak the life of Jesus in your situation and thank Him for His salvation and deliverance He has already given you.
Whatever we have ever done wrong He will not remember our sins and lawbreaking because there is absolute remission, forgiveness and CANCELLATION of the penalty of those sins and lawbreaking. No amount of confession of every so called “sin” as an offering made unto forgiveness can atone for our sin. Jesus Himself accomplished our cleansing of sin and riddance of guilt. We are to accept this offering with gratitude and great joy and gladness. The more we are going to concentrate on sin the greater our bondage to legalism and condemnation. How much more surely shall the blood of Christ, Who by virtue of His eternal Spirit has offered Himself as an unblemished sacrifice to God, purify our consciences from dead works and lifeless observances to serve the ever living God? In accordance with the Will of God we have been made holy, sanctified and are consecrated through the offering made once and for all through the body of Jesus Christ. Hebrews10:10
In all these adverse circumstances I am not prepared to give up because I know God is powerful and His Word is the Truth. I stand on it and if I have done all the standing I will keep on standing.
This Scripture in Ephesians is so powerful I thought to copy it all.
(Eph 6:12) For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
(Eph 6:13) Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.
(Eph 6:14) Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place,
(Eph 6:15) and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.
(Eph 6:16) In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.
(Eph 6:17) Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
(Eph 6:18) And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.