Monday, 7 December 2009

Back in the UK

Dear friends and family,

It is a month since I last updated the blog. It was also one year since the visit to the hospital and the first verdict of the doctors. 'Only a miracle will work' they had to agree.

The past four weeks were exceptionally difficult with a sudden change in my ability to swallow which resulted in significant weight loss. I looked so much forward to the visit of le Roux in South Africa as I really felt so well and was enjoying my time in South Africa. His visit was taken up by the battle against the onslaught which culminated in me having a stent (small pipe) been put into my oesophagus to ease the pressure. We also decided that it is better for me to return earlier to the UK. Last week I said goodbye to all my lovely friends and family in South Africa and very excitedly returned to my grand children and children in the UK.

Through a scan back in the UK they discovered last week that the stent dropped down into my stomach and I was immediately booked into hospital to investigate. Last Friday another stent was put in, with the intention to remove the old stent this coming Friday. All of this has made it even more difficult to eat with more weight loss and to the great concern of all around me.

Today the full result of the scans was made available. The verdict was grim. It reminded me of a year ago. The cancer has grown aggressively in the liver over the past month with little options and solutions offered by medicine.

The onslaught threatens to overwhelm. The physical signs are damning. In the midst of it, I can only resort to the One and Only Loving Father who’s Word is eternally true. The work that Jesus has done on the cross is complete, there is nothing to add and no circumstance can taken anything of it away or nullify what it has accomplished.

With every breath I take, with every sip of liquid food I want to remind my soul and body what Jesus, the Word has accomplished.

Thank you for standing with me in the gap as we continue with this miracle journey. Now is the time!

Luke 1:37 ‘For with God nothing is ever impossible, and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfilment.’
Ps 103:3 ‘Who forgives every one of all your iniquities, who heals each one of all your diseases’ - Jesus the perfect Lamb.


Unknown said...

I love you Auntie Elmien! You are an amazing woman!

sarel said...

My heart cries for you my dear sister! You are such an example and encouragement for me. I pray that the Lord will carry you through this challenge as he has done through the past year and remind you continually that He will not allow you to be tested beyond what He will equip you to endure. We pray too for those near to you to laugh with you and pray with you through tough days. Love, Pierre

Heidi said...

I stand with you to see the Lord's work come to fruition. Have no anxiety, He holds us in His loving hands.

Elmien Cilliers said...

Hi my family and friends,
Thanks for your comments and support! I keep my eyes on Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith. Hebrews 12:2 Looking away [from all that will distract] to Jesus, Who is the Leader and the Source of our faith [giving the first incentive for our belief] and is also its Finisher [bringing it to maturity and perfection].
He, for the joy [of obtaining the prize] that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising and ignoring the shame, and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
Looking unto JESUS!!!
Love you