Friday, 6 November 2009

When the light of God’s Word shines through!

I have been reading and doing some study these last weeks in the Gospel of Luke. This verse in Luke1:37 For with God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfilment. (Amplified Version) was highlighted to me and for the first time I saw and read it in this way.

‘For with God nothing is ever impossible’ most of the translations give only this sentence. This is why I love the Amplified Version it brings more than one translation together. ‘…no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfilment’. When Gabriel, the angel of the Most High who stands continually in God’s presence, brought the message of the birth of Jesus to Mary, that she will be the virgin to give birth to the Son of God into the human world he continued with this verse Luke 1:37.

Mary didn’t doubt the Angel’s message and answered Luke 1:38 Then Mary said, Behold, I am the handmaiden of the Lord; let it be done to me according to what you have said. And the angel left her. The exact way and will of God for the birth of Jesus the Messiah, was prophesied over centuries. God’s word was fulfilled immediately by the fruit of Mary’s lips. The moment she said: “Let it be according to your Word”, the Son of God was conceived in her.

God’s Word and promises which He has given to you and me are our certain Rock and Foundation to stand upon and not to give up on during our time of hardship, trails and tribulations, He is with us. His promises stand true to help us and strengthen us in times of hardships (Isaiah 41:10 Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My [victorious] right hand of rightness and justice.) When I read the Word I am deeply encouraged.

Our minds are in the first line of attack. When our bodies are weary, weak, hurting and playing up, our thoughts bombard us to give up: ‘condemning us with the reality of our senses, trying to convince us that this Word we hold fast to is not real and working! Where is the Jesus for you now?’ This is a temptation and lies of your enemy the devil, to discourage you and pump unbelief against what God is saying through His Word of power to you. As we recognise the lie we can see better to keep our focus on His Word and know Jesus has stood fully in our shoes, these thoughts start to dim in His light and the truth of the knowledge of who He is.

Oh how I want to plead with anyone who is in a tight spot to keep on trusting in, relying on, cleave to; believe in Jesus the Son of God who is the Word of God. Jesus became flesh, born on this earth like us humans to have sympathy in every way with us. In other words, He knows what it means to be tempted in human flesh. I have found I need to keep renewing my mind constantly by reading and hearing what God is saying to me through His Word. I am allowing the Word of God inside my spirit to wash my mind, pushing through from my spirit to overflow to my soul and body. I am always lifted up by His Word to continue on this journey in His strength and victory. I have to set my face like a flint to the goal of what Jesus already accomplished for me through His suffering. His promises revealed in the Bible, is true to me in every way. I wilfully have to make the decision and say it aloud to myself; ‘Jesus I believe you, you are the only Way!’

See Hebrews 2:18 For because He Himself [in His humanity] has suffered in being tempted (tested and tried), He is able [immediately] to run to the cry of (assist, relieve) those who are being tempted and tested and tried [and who therefore are being exposed to suffering].

Dear friend HE IS ABLE, Jesus went through all we can ever imagine and conquered it for us. The Word says Jesus runs to our cry to assist us in every way, believe His word. Remember ‘no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfilment’.

Dear friend some practical advice I would like to share. During my struggle with this long term sickness and disease, what I personally valued very much, was to have a friend, a family member, someone who will be able to commit, to stand alongside with me on my journey. In my case it was my immediate family and family in Christ in the UK. In South Africa, where I ‘m recently being treated with IV Vitamin C etc. It is now my sister and her family supporting me, spiritually and emotionally as well as in many other ways, together with my husband and children in the UK. Without this support of love, encouragement and care it would have been very difficult for me.

Sometimes I am confronted with secondary infections, like a cough, a sore throat or a sudden rash, even had pink eyes recently, sometimes suffering with swallowing difficulties. But as one army my committed sister and her family rise up with me and God’s Word is spoken, read and sometimes we just sing the Word and God’s promises to one another. It has a tremendous impact! Friend as long as you do not give up there is hope, and recovery in Jesus.

It can become very challenging to take your medication or supplements. In my case I need to take many supplements to build and balance my body after the chemo finished. Don’t slack trusting in and encouraging yourself by looking unto Jesus to stick to the program. Sometimes I become despondent with all of the supplements, but with my doctor, a devoted Christian not ashamed of Jesus, my sister and family’s encouragement I just stand up again to continue with the procedures and say to these capsules…’You are blessed to nourish my body and do me well, you go down and stay down to do your job!’ But oh Jesus didn’t give up on me when He had to fulfil my payment of sin and health and this knowledge is an inspiration to me!

When I received the chemo treatment I blessed the chemo to only hit the dark cancer cells and kill them. I asked Jesus to protect the rest of my body of any negative side effects it may have. Today I can testify how the Lord did protect me.

We as the victims sometimes need to do some research or ask a family member, or the friend standing alongside with us on our own behalf how cancer or any other condition forms and operate to help us understand our authority over it and thinking process about it. Knowledge conquers unnecessary stress and fears. Out of this research may flow some changes we will have to take action on like a diet, eating habits and lifestyle. Knowing what makes cancer or any other conditions thrive gave me a handle and I could take deliberate action to stop feeding or helping it on. Knowledge will also help to build your faith. Changes in lifestyle are a very tender issue to address. By acquiring good knowledge over a wide spectrum, not only one sided, will help you to make these good changes.

I trust God like a child… if a toddler stands on a table and his Daddy stands in front of him with arms stretched out and his Daddy says jump! The little one jumps because he trusts his Daddy to protect and catch him. What a joy and laughter after the act and Daddy cuddles him in his arms. Just like this ‘jumping act’ I am operating so simple in trusting the Lord. How? As I renew my mind I believe in God’s Word that what I read in this day is mine and it is the only truth, specially written for me. This is how my trust and relationship with the Lord is growing within me.

I speak about myself as healed and remind myself of His promises which I believe in as guarantee for the manifestation of my healing. I see myself as blessed to learn about His love for us. I am learning about patients and endurance to grow in me and to seek to walk in our Lord’s compassion.

Have I conquered all of it, not yet but I am positively on the way. Everyday is a new day of mercy, grace and love and I say that to myself and thank God for it. I am exposed to a practical experience everyday reminding myself of my healing, rejoicing in my Father’s love and telling Him about what is in my heart. Our Father’s love stretches from everlasting to everlasting available to everybody, I can say it with confidence because it is written all over in the Bible.


Wynand said...

Elmien, your blog is such an encouragement for me, may you experience God's presence in a wonderful way. Love from all of us. Wynand & Marietjie du Plessis

Andre - Helena said...

Elmien this part you have express so well. You are developing as a writer for the Lord. Yes we as Christians need to take heed what we believe about the Bible!! It is truly inspired because when you trust it the fruit is the proof of the eating. Is it not true? The Bible is the only book ever written where the Author of it is always present with you when you read and study it. Love you, its a pleasure to have you in our home and to be a support to one another.

Andre de Kock (Brother in law)

Elmien Cilliers said...

Thank you precious family in Christ. Oh that we as His children will walk in unity, uncompromising in our belief of what God is saying to us through His Word. Yes the Bible is the most exciting book ever written. Written, inspired by the Holy Spirit so let us unite and walk in His Word for us daily.
Love you much

sarel said...

Elmien, thanks for keeping us in mind as you grow in wisdom and faith through your walk with the Lord. You are practicing what the Word promised: The consolation with which you have been consoled, you will use to console others. We are encouraged in our struggles and gain hope from your faith!
I encourage my children to read your testimony of God's grace! Love Pierre