‘Put the Lord in remembrance of His promises; keep not silence’ – Isaiah 62:6b
On the 17th of August 2009, my sister Helena shared in excitement Isaiah 41:10-13 with me. I give in brackets the words she shared with me as the Holy Spirit showed her. She declared that she has this clear in her inner being. God says,
41:10 Fear not, Elmien [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you Elmien; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you Elmien with My [victorious] right hand of rightness and justice. (Jesus)
41:11 Behold, all they (all those cancer cells) who are enraged and inflamed against you Elmien shall be put to shame and confounded; they (all those cancer cells) who strive against you shall be as nothing and shall perish.
41:12 You shall seek those (cancer cells) who contend with you but shall not find them; they (all those cancer cells) who war against you shall be as nothing, as nothing at all.
41:13 For I the Lord your God hold your right hand; I am the Lord, Who says to you, Fear not; I will help you!
This passage is amazing!
As the days passed I was thinking on the above passage. On Friday the 21st August 2009 I took the chelating capsules at 6:00am and thereafter the enzymes as usual. I felt a restriction and had a struggled to swallow, and felt the irritation as the supplements went down. I had a burning like fire, something like bad indigestion and it felt as if the pills were stuck in my throat. When I ate breakfast it became a severe struggle.
The fight was on, my mind was immediately attacked by the enemy telling me that I am not healed and God’s Word isn’t true, prayer and treatment isn’t working! My spirit inside rose up because a thought like this is instigated from a source trying to bring the Word in disrepute. I immediately realized that I had a choice to take those thoughts captive and bring it in line with God’s Word according to:
2 Corinthians10:5 [Inasmuch as we] refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God; and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One).
The battle was real as I still had to take other supplements during the day and I was severely attacked by raw fear. I decided to stay at home and not go out with
I woke up, finished some of the washing and decided to do my exercises on the walker available to me. As I was walking I had to make a deliberate decision to praise God for His word, Jesus my healer and His great and wonderful salvation available to me. I quoted the promises as God has given it to me during my journey. Exultant joy started to fill my mind; I sang with my mind and in the Holy Spirit, a gift I received many years ago. I kept on saying, “Thank you Lord your Word is the only truth and your promises are mine according to Nahum 1:9
What do you devise against me you enemy of cancer and how mad are your attempt to plot against the Lord? He has made a full end to this affliction! Cancer shall not rise up the second time. This verse began to grow in my mind and body through my lips. I spoke it out aloud and also quoted the following Scriptures; Jesus said on the cross, ‘It is finished!’ Full salvation, our ransom is paid in full, the enemy cannot keep us captive and I chose to rejoice because of Jesus’ ransom for me. John 19:30; Ps 103:1-5; Ps 118:17; Hebrews 13:5 –My Lord will never leave me or forsake me.
Before we went to sleep
Early this morning the 22nd Aug 2009 I had the same routine at 6:00am and the pills went down well. I decided to spend time with the Lord. The word bounced from my spirit to renew my mind and suddenly my understanding grasped the Word which my sister shared with me five days ago out of Isaiah 41:10-13.
I share it with you as I have written it down for myself.
Cancer enraged, inflamed against me shall be put to shame, as nothing it shall perish. Medical scans will seek cancer cells but it shall not be found, cancer that war against me shall be as nothing, as nothing at all! I am your God, Elmien you are kept in the palm of My right hand.
John 10:28 says:” And I give them eternal life, and they shall never lose it or perish throughout the ages. To all eternity they shall never by any means be destroyed. And no one is able to snatch them out of My hand.”
“Fear not Elmien, I the Lord help you, I am your Redeemer. Rest in Me Elmien and enter My rest. I Jesus walked the storm with you Elmien, and I Jesus calmed the storm.”
For sure I declare with my lips my Father’s provision, wholeness, health, prosperity. I am dancing with Jesus and the Holy Spirit keeps on renewing and reminding me of God’s precious promises. Isaiah 62:6b…’ put the Lord in remembrance [of His promises], keep not silence.’ I prayed and spoke these scriptures to the Lord and it became a glorious time together in His presence.
As the day progressed the irritation in the swallowing became better and I chose to put my trust in, rely upon, believe in and adhere to the full salvation of Jesus Christ the Son of God, the Word who is the Light and Life of men.
Two days later and I just can’t feel better. I am overjoyed with my Father’s peace. I stand amazed at the wonder working power of His Word in my body and soul (mind and emotions) as one makes the choice to accept and believe what God says is true for one’s own specific situation.
You must be the most courageous and brave person I have ever met. We love reading up on your blogs - they are just so positive. You are truly an amazing role model for both Bernhard and I. Keep up with your good work and your positive enthusiasm.
With much love.
Sonja and Bernhard
Wonderful to hear from you and Bernhard. Psalm 46:1 GOD IS our Refuge and Strength [mighty and impenetrable to temptation], a very present and well-proved help in trouble.
I give Him the glory for as the psalm writer said 'a very present and well-proved help in trouble.'
I love to encourage you to take God's word as your own.
Much love
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