Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Continue to build up the spirit-man...

Our children, colleagues of our business at the office, my sister Helena and her husband André, were the first people to know after the gastroscopy was done.

I have no words to describe how precious our colleagues support just kicked in. I would like to call them our friends.
As we walked the journey in the business we have seen them grow with us as their new employers through the challenges and good times, they stood with us. They were there for us, even in this time when Le Roux shared with them the news. They spoke to Le Roux not to be worried about a thing and he needs to take time out to be with me whenever. Our people working out in the field popped into the office to give us their support. Their Christmas cards started to hit our tables and their wishes were so encouraging. I want to say thank you for walking this journey with us. You are very precious, much respected and loved.
I will never stop praying for you and your wellbeing.

In my first blog I wrote about our amazing children and their support.

Today I want to take this time and opportunity to say thank you to my sister Helena, André her husband and their children. They live in South Africa. They called us back when our connection was broken, no distance stood in their way to support and encourage us!

Helena and André have experienced this year 2008 as a victory in Jesus with their journey of cancer in their own son’s life. They read about it, made it their business to conquer a lack of knowledge. They sought out nutrition and alternative ways which they passed onto us. They supported us; lead us to find nutrition and supplements which worked for their son and many others.

They prayed with us, and never stopped praying in authority of the Name of Jesus.
They have been writing about healing during the year “Word of Life Healing School” and passed all these lessons to us via the email. What a perspective and blessing this has been to me at this time.

The email André and Helena sent me was also a wonderful teaching and reminder of our position in Christ:

“Jesus says “my joke” is easy. So with this attack from the world we live in, the way to healing is simply to enter His rest as Heb 4 says and this rest is where we sit at the right hand of the Father in position of authority and power because Jesus has overcome this world and our faith also overcomes this world. Faith is not to be mustered up as if we need more faith to face this onslaught. We must understand our position, identity and the destiny.

Our position is that we have received every blessing in Christ Jesus. All that we need had been given to us with regards to LIFE and GODLIKENESS. All the faith, love and power reside already in us. We approach this trial with all the power and faith already within us -that is rest. We have it - past tense!

Now it is to get the resurrection power released from our innermost being. Spiritual power is transferred by words, words of command in Jesus’ Name. Our senses are false witnesses when it comes to matters of faith. We are Spirit beings who must worship God in spirit and we find our way in the Spirit. Walking by the Spirit is walking by the lamp of the Word which is Spirit and Life says Jesus. The Word of God is the light in the Spirit dimension. If the word says so it is so it is in the Spirit. We must just bring it to pass in the physical by calling things which are not as if they are and call life out of death as Abraham did. So cancer is not the death threat. In the natural yes but not to us who are walking in the Spirit. We pull down the lies and the deceptions of the devil. Jesus conquered death, what is cancer to Him?

The faith that pleases God as Heb 11:6 says is an attitude which knows that Father has already given us the healing seed within. So we don’t beg, plead and try to persuade God to do it for us. He has done it already. It’s for us to bring our minds in line with the Word and our emotions in check with the Word. We must only receive what God offered as a gift. So what is left is gratitude, thanks giving and praise. When things seem darker you speak the word from a heart that is persuaded about the Word and its promises. When the mind real under doubt or second thoughts go and spend time in the Word and become convinced and persuaded that there is nothing to big for God. All things are possible thru this faith which accepts what God has already done in Jesus on the Cross. It was a finished work. It’s been done. Now God rewards us with signs, wonders and miracles as He confirms His Word. These are the mercy acts of God. Healing is the bread of the children.

Blessing, the VICTORY will be sweet.”

You are loved so much and we are looking forward to share again after you had a glorious, resting holiday in the great sun of the beautiful Cape area.


Unknown said...

Hello Wonderful Mrs!!

Just want you to know we're there RIGHT BESIDE YOU!! Our God is in the business of miracles and He is EXCELLENT in all He does!

Jamie and myself want to pop around to give you a big cuddle, but I have a silly cold .... and as much as I love you, I really don't want to share it with you! :)

You take care of yourself lovely lady.

Much love,


Elmien Cilliers said...

Hi Marion, so good to hear from you,yes amen to "He IS EXCELLENT in all He does"

Love in Him