Saturday, 31 January 2009

Faced with Choices

The 28th of January 2009 stand out as a significant date in this stage of my life.

While having our chat Elbrie and I went on debating. When we acknowledge and say that “by the stripes of Jesus I was healed” according to 1 Peter 2:24; prophesied by Isaiah found in chapter 53:5 many centuries ago; spoken by David in Psalms 103:3; Jesus walking the earth and healed everybody brought to Him; we need to act upon God’s word because that is what we believe. His Word is the only truth! How do I act if it is invisible to me?

I have no pain in my body and the pain which appeared every now and then I learned to speak to it in Jesus Name and experienced an almost immediate response of lifting from my body. A pain across my chest persisted longer but I did not give up praising the Lord for what He has already done for me. All kinds of negative thoughts bombarded me which I choose not to entertain according to 2 Corinthians 10: 3 for though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

How do I overcome everyday; this thing is in my face when I have to eat? Can I just skip the eating part? No that will be unwise I will keep on loosing too much weight. My hope is like Jesus said in John 14:1 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.” Friends this is my choice to believe in Him and I never want to ever change it.

I have listened to many good teachings by Andrew Wommack a link to his website is His basic Word teachings brought many things down in my life and God’s Word started to release His mind in me over these past months since the diagnosis. There are certain patterns and believes that have changed in me forever. I want you to know this is God’s grace and glory I want to give to Him forever my life.

Every time confusion hits I made a choice to embrace God’s Word rather than negative thoughts for example: “I would speak out loud to myself and say ‘I deny you the right (this thought) to take root in my mind’” and then I will praise the Lord out loud. I found this to work for me and then the peace of God takes over. I don’t know how to explain this “knowing in my innermost being that I know that I know God has healed me”. I share this with you because it is about a journey of my whole being. There is times when you battle with yourself while Jesus is standing there and just want us to know His love is immeasurable and everlasting.

He WILL never leave us nor forsake us; Joshua 1:5; Hebrew 13:5b; Psalm 9:10 he cannot because that is not who He is. I have realised that I act selfish and immature by blaming Him for things I did not understand. His Word is clear and will never change we have to change and embrace His Word and allow His Holy Spirit to teach us by just asking Him.
As we read Psalm 78 can I still doubt who He is? Can I still argue? No because I believe His Word as the breath of my life.

I praise Him that He is steadfast, unchanging and that I can know my hope for a future is secure in Him. Jeremiah 29:11
11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
This Word I embrace and repeat many a times not to change and manipulate God but to build me up and change me.

I am not finish with the 28th Jan. 09. I used this opportunity to tell you a bit of ones walk day by day and choices that becomes life-breathing choices in ones life. I don’t want you to paint a picture that I do not experience things that you also experience.

Preparing a testimony

Prior to the third chemo God dropped little nuggets of challenges in my spirit – “write and prepare a testimony”, which I kept in my heart and spoke to Him about. Last week on the 28th Elbrie my daughter was with me and asked if we could have a chat while Daniel is sleeping and we enjoy something warm to drink, me just having my normal sips of water!

She started straight to the point – “I have been praying for you and asked God straight questions. Today I want to deliver my thoughts which I believe are inspired by His Spirit.”

“Mom you need to write a testimony and prepare.”
What could I say more? Father God has spoken and fireball Elbrie was calm, cool and determent in delivering her message.

Staring at her I thanked God deep in my heart. Looking back on a decade thinking – ‘Father I have no other agenda but to praise you. You have shown yourself as the Almighty Father in this decade in my life’. This is my daughter I have fought for when the enemy wanted to destroy her – and here she is sitting in front of me, standing with me now and not cringing to be straight and delivering God’s confirmation.

I remembered my husband said to me seven months ago: “I am preparing to release you from the business because God showed me I need to release you for ministry!” That same following Sunday at church God confirmed through a minister from Uganda I remember his name as Trevor, that God shows him Leroux needs to release me for ministry.

At that stage my carnal mind rushed and I asked how this is going to happen. I am a bookkeeper and love accountancy and everything my husband taught me from his years of experience as a professional accountant and consultant. I could not see beyond the carnal mind!!! I remember Leroux and Trevor saying, “Don’t worry God will lead the way and take you through, it is for His purposes.”

Elbrie lightened up with a twinkle in the eye, “I will help you and here is my thoughts, pray about it, get the Scriptures of God’s Word together and write, I will help with the editing, print it, read and learn it, speak and teach it to yourself using the mirror.” That was it!!!

Wednesday, 28 January 2009


In the weeks past I had telephone contact with our family is South Africa, Pierre and Jeanne, Helena and Andre and Glenda my friend in Sandton. Oh it was such a blessing to speak to you.

It was great to Skype with our wonderful Mom in South Africa. Technology made it easy because Ouma could see us but unfortunately she did not have her webcam with her. Mom it is time for another Skype!!! Elma, my husband precious sister also in SA, we had a wonderful chat on the Skype messages!

Right through I had friends emailing and on Facebook send their love and messages, came to visit at home. By the click of a button the world came into our homes. Thank you precious friends for your encouraging comments on the blog.

We had a wonderful weekend with our precious family the Diederiks up north in England, whom slept over at our place…because it was three important men’s birthdays! Joshua, turned nine, Daniel turned six months and LeRoux turned ohhh-whooo can’t remember!!! All our children were here and our dear friends Lizette, JC and family. Aghh how good was that!!!

Second chemo went down well with minimal side effects. I had some difficulty to eat or rather have an appetite. The great Carer and my children helped me through loads of battles in the mind during that week and of cause I can’t get pass my earthly carer, LeRoux.

I am preparing for the third chemo tomorrow. This might sound funny, but hey we need to laugh more in life…God’s word says it is good for the bones! I have the opportunity to build myself continuously with His Word. I do love it!

Almost every morning my wonderful husband writes something connected with the Word of God to me. I want to close with this:

“Phil 4:4-7
4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!
5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.
6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

We have prayed, we turned to the Lord, and now it is time to rest in Him. He is near. He is with you. He knows your every need, your pain, you hearts desire. Let His peace flood your whole body. Just receive it, let it wash you like water, inside and outside.
I pray that you will experience his overwhelming peace today.”

I would like to pass God's overwhelming peace to you as well. Let us not slack in praising our Lord for His goodness in the small and greater things in our daily lives.

Saturday, 10 January 2009

Praise the Lord

I am so grateful to Kay and Sally from our church who visited me yesterday after the chemo to pray with me. Hi blessings, I feel absolutely wonderful. Thanks for your dedication. Sally shared Psalm 136:1-9. I say yes to Him and am grateful for His loving kindness.

Michelle from church thank you for your book mark which reminds me everyday. Mark 9:23 “All things are possible to him who believes”

When reading this morning the following verses I want to share it because it will be an encouragement to you and me.

1 John 3: 1 How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. 2 Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. 3 Everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself, just as he is pure.

We may not know what the future holds, and that may make us uncertain or even afraid. No - we can bask in the sun of His love, the assurance that he is in control and that he has prepared everything for us. As His children we can have hope, we can rest and be assured.

Have a wonderful day.
Hallelujah, yes and amen!!!

Jeremiah 29:11
11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Upcoming second chemo

Time is walking on and I feel so good. I can’t stop saying it; “my Lord I am blessed and you are so good, I rejoice and I am basking in your everlasting love!!!”

There are a few days ahead for the second round. A friend of ours, Paul at the church wrote Psalm 103:1-5 as a song and I was listening to it over and over again until I could recite it as I go to sleep. Unfortunately we could not get it to work on the blog for you to listen to…hopefully someone out there will know how and send us the instructions!

I had time to study the Bible and listen to glorious Word teachings. I listened specifically to teachings on Praise which enlightened me and by the Holy Spirit practical Praise became very real to me.

There were certain decisions I made and Father confirmed it through His word the next day on the second day of chemo. My friend Lizette shared Phil.4:9.

Le Roux brought my breakfast and sent me an email.

My darling

His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. 2 Pet 1:3

I pray with you that His Word will operate in your body today, that His divine power will protect every healthy cell and steer the chemo directly to the cancer to block and kill those cells. We lift you up in the Name of Jesus.

I luv you lots.

We arrived at the Spires hospital. The oncologist visited us and was astonished at the GOOD report we gave her. She actually asked to look at my hands and commented, “Did we give you the first Chemo? This is good news which I want to hear.” In my spirit I rejoiced because I know the resurrection power of Jesus flow through me. The blood test results came back and there were no great movement in the counts so it was decided to continue with the chemo.

Hubby, Elbrie and I spoke God’s anointing over me by using the Word as chemo is administered, for example:

“Jesus bore my sickness and carried my pain. Therefore I choose to give no place to sickness, pain or any side effects. For God send His Word (Jesus) and healed me. Ps 107:20”
“Growths and tumours have no right to my body. They are a thing of the past for I am delivered from the authority of darkness 2000 years ago through the atonement of Jesus. Col. 1:13, 14.” From C. Capps – God’s creative power for healing. Both I made my own which you will not find exactly written by the author. This helps me to keep focussed on the Word.

My sister called at evening and said she prayed for me almost all day how am I doing? I am fine I slept well after chemo the afternoon at home. Pins and needles are the only sensation because of the cold and touching anything cold.

God gave her this Word in the morning for me;
Psalm 67 (King James Version)
1 God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us; Selah - actually means for us to meditate on, think about what is been said.
2 That thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations.
3 Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee.
4 O let the nations be glad and sing for joy: for thou shalt judge the people righteously, and govern the nations upon earth. Selah
5 Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee.
6 Then shall the earth yield her increase; and God, even our own God, shall bless us.
7 God shall bless us; and all the ends of the earth shall fear him.

My confession is:
He was made sick with my diseases so that I can be made healthy through the gagging wounds slashed into His body. I believe in Jesus Christ, my Healer. Therefore, I am healed and made whole, more than 2000 years ago and this healing is manifesting in my body today.
He has done it all for me, yes me, out of His love for me, so I receive it all out of my gratitude towards His Gift of Life to my. I will praise and worship Him in this body He gave me, to be a healthy house for His Glory.
Taken from the Healing School notes but made changes for my own confession needs.
God can never disappoint us or put us to shame. It is not part of His character. Please rejoice with me because our God will never leave us nor forsake us!

The weekend before the second chemo

The weekend before the second chemo I wet my hair with my fingers to ease them after the night’s sleep which I am sure most of us has to do!!! Oh dear my fingers was full of hair! Not natural… then I remembered the doctor warned me about hair starting to loosen up about the third week. Every time one runs one’s fingers through you need the dustbin nearby!
I was emotional and a bit teary but then LeRoux came into the room ready to hug and assure me this can be overcome. What an angel of a husband God has given me.

I wrote to all of our children an email and ask them to come up with suggestions…whose style in the family or well hmmm; will they recommend. Will I keep to Gabriel our son and Daniel our little new grandson’s boldness? Rather choose Joshua, our other grandson which is eight years and his dad, Marcus our daughter’s husband – they are funky! Then of cause there is Johan our other son before he cut it a few days after and LeRoux’s style – to boring! What about Elbrie’s long sleek hair - oh la-la!!! Decision is made Elbrie and I will visit the wigs place not far from us as soon as I get an appointment.

Elbrie my fireball’s response and love through her email shot me up like a beam to face it positively.
Hi Mom,
I am slightly saddened by your news, but I am encouraged by your amazing email and your faith. If we put it into perspective, this is not something to allow our hearts to be troubled. God's plan is not our plan and God's ways are not our ways. We know that our outer bodies are mere vessels for our spirit man, so it doesn't really matter what they look like, but more what our spirit man "looks" like.
1 Peter 3:3-5 (New International Version)
3 Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewellery and fine clothes. 4 Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight. 5 For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to make themselves beautiful.
Proverbs 31:29-31 (New International Version)
29 "Many women do noble things,
but you surpass them all."
30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
31 Give her the reward she has earned,
and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.

I particularly love the verse in Peter that says we should have a gentle and quiet spirit. We should not be loud, announcing our problems, fears, etc. but wait upon the Lord - it reminds me again of that verse that says - Be still, and know that I am God! He has our past, present and future in the palm of His hand and there is no one greater than Father God, so what on earth shall we be afraid of.
Marcus and I are standing with you mom, and the rest of the family, we are trusting God all the way for His miraculous power and intervention in your life, Josh's & Daniel's lives! You are all so precious and I just know God still has a BIG plan for you three!
Love you lots and lots,

My big sons came and hugged me; we were so relaxed and chatty!
My sister Skype the evening and assured me I am walking already in a miracle with such a good God report she is hearing, remember they went through this at the beginning of the year and experienced God’s miracle after three months of chemo with their son. He was already in stage four when diagnosed and after his first scan was clear. He was also treated at the same time with the alternative IV Vitamin C. This is to the glory of our majestic, awesome Father God we serve. Hallelujah – translated – Praise the Lord/literally means “you must all praise the Lord” – Yah is the shorter form for God’s holy name Yahweh!

Monday arrived and so did mother and daughter on the doorstep of the wig professionals! The consulting started and what a laugh – good for the bones and flesh. After a good two hours I walked out - a new lady – not to funky but well to begin with – ha-ha-ha! My darling wanted me blond! Auk wena! (Zulu for-‘oh you’).

The after effects of chemo...but God's glory manifested!

As you will notice I have fallen behind updating my blog over the Christmas time! We had such a lovely blessed time together as a family. All our children were with us since the 24th – 27th and the boys could stay for longer up till after New Year. We really consider ourselves as blessed and we are grateful to our Father. We could Skype our family in the USA and South Africa and that was so good.
Le Roux’s brother from the USA called me and shared what the Lord showed him in church when he went up for praying for me. A lady stood behind him and she spoke to him that God says what he has asked for is accomplished as she touched him he felt the power of God through him and saw showers like rain coming down from heaven. We could rejoice together and thank God for his showers of blessing and power over our lives and in my body.

I believe this will be an encouragement to all of you praying and standing with us in this time of our journey. In the previous blog I mentioned about the side effect I experienced. They subsided in about three days and none of the others made any appearance. Thank you Jesus how grateful I am! Thank you for your continuous prayers and the sharing of God’s Word with us. The friends, who popped in, thank you.

I had loads of energy and was able to put my hand to some of the household chores. I could help Le Roux closing down the purchase ledger for December at our business just ready to be put through BACS payment and get the remittance advices out to the suppliers.

As my fireball daughter said the other day to me: “Mom, never stop praising God because you are walking every second in His manifested power and healing.” As my sister in SA heard how good it went after the chemo she was rejoicing and confirmed that this is a miracle!

I also had the opportunity to Skype a new friend, Heidi in the USA. She has also the challenge of cancer but it was good to speak to her and encourage each other in Jesus’ Name.

May you be lifted up to seek His fullness for your challenges in everyday?
Jesus said: Matthew 6:25 & 35 (New International Version)
Do Not Worry
25 "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?
34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

Although as we continue reading between these verses we realise that Father God even wants us to live in His blessings for our everyday needs here on earth. He is our source of everything pertaining to life and needs in the physical.

First chemo session...

The morning on the day of the first chemotherapy, I was very uncertain and nervous. My mind raced with loads of questions.

My sister, Helena and I spoke to each other the day before the first chemo. She taught me to speak God’s Word to these drugs as it drips through. “Touch the tubes and speak of God’s glory and life, knowing that Jesus is just here with me; your spirit is His special dwelling place. Speak to all the side effects listed as the medical staff gave it. God has given us authority through Jesus to proclaim His Word!”

I was armoured with God’s word which He gave to me early in the morning. Mark16:18 “they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well."
I believe this was from the Heart of God, quickened by the Holy Spirit in me, I knew I will enter this way with His Word always on my lips.

Then Psalm 91:10 “then no harm will befall you; no disaster will come near your tent.” I read the whole Psalm and was encouraged, building my faith and set my heart to praise my Father for His grace towards me.

I should share some of the routine in our house now. Early in the morning Le Roux, husband will prepare all the juices needed for the day. He grinds the organic oats to fine flour and makes me some poridge which he sometimes still needs to push through a sieve. He brought my porridge early this time because of the treatment later the morning…he was standing looking at me and said, "This morning God spoke and showed me how ‘you stand enveloped in a column of light from heaven’".

My mobile started to bleep with messages, encouraging scriptures of our friends and children all over. My spirit received and I continued to praise my Lord with thankfulness…His cloud of witnesses around me, amazing God. Boldness rose within me to go to hospital and knowing His presence is with me, ready to command the chemo only to hit the cancer cells and not harming anything else, which we did as it was administered.

After the chemo I felt a bit dizzy and shaky but my mouth didn’t stop speaking God’s Word over my body. The immediate side effects listed was pins and needles sensation in my hands and calves and muscle spasm although also set of with the cold weather or anything cold you touch, but I kept on speaking to it using the Word of the Lord. I knew deep down He is my redemption as He has promised in:

Psalm 23:4 “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”